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    worried about your kids having too much Unhealthy screen time?

    Have you tried but failed at distracting them?The solution is right here.There’s always something thrilling to keep them busy on Active Fun Learner App developed by specialists. Bestpart, the kids get to do real life activities without them knowing. Interested? Give us a try. Active fun learner offers all the love, laughter and intrigue on a platter laced with learning as you go.

    Bonding Time

    We have created a hub where learning and playing blend perfectly, bringing you closer to the little ones.

    Fun Learning

    Keep the kids entertained and wowed with our array of games, rich audiobooks and video lessons. Their future will thank you for every second on active fun learner app.

    Kids Friendly Content.

    Worried about the kids seeing sensitive contents on the internet? Not with active fun learners app! We are certified 100% safe for the kids.

    Catch Them Young

    Activen fun Learner app is suitable for children from ages 1 – 13 and makes learning a foreign language easier for them.


    Parent Zone

    At Active Fun Learner App, there is enough fun learning to go around so the parents are not left out at all. You have access to whatever your kids are learning, help them learn better and join the fun cruise

    Relevant Skills

    A secured tomorrow for the kids begins with the foundations laid today, active fun learner app teaches themCommunication, Creativity, Critical thinking and Collaboration.

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    Our Products

    Our app is a fun learning platform suitable for homeschoolers and every family dynamic including kids with autism and special needs. No one is left out. Our games are primarily to learn foreign languages to help groom bilingual kids ready for tomorrow’s diversified world but also help develop a child’s cognitive skills and desire to learn.

    Don’t leave your friends and family behind

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